Zak's Adventures

Monday, June 11, 2007

3 today

11 June - what an auspicious day. 3 today - or is that 21? I think the day crept up on my HF because there's been no party! Not the best organiser, my HF, even with help from me. But we did go for a long walk this morning with Amber, Zoe and Callie (they're the dogs - their HFs came too) and this afternoon, it was just me and my HF in the rain with the tennis ball (and some woman running around the park). It's lovely when we have it all to ourselves and late afternoon, like early morning, is such a great time of day. The rain, with a bit of sun shining through, looked spectacular, showing up the drops of water hanging precariously from the naked trees (I didn't look long; I was too busy keeping my eye on the ball but I know some of you readers out there like to know that sort of stuff).

I've had a couple of extra treats too but no party! Humans treat turning 21 as such a big deal, and in human years, that's what I'm up to, so I thought a party would have been a goer. Mind you, I can smell a lamb roast at the moment so perhaps there will be something else in store for me after all... yes, I'm an optimist.

There's no recent photo to put up here but just take my word for it - I'm as handsome as ever and we both know it ;=)


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