Zak's Adventures

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Just for the sake of it

it has been a while since I've been able to get my paws on the keyboard. My HF has had a monopoly on it but also to be fair, if I have to be, she's not been around much. When she went to Vietnam recently though, I didn't have to go the kennels! She got people in to look after me (they also looked after the cats, but I know it was mainly me they were here for!). I thought that was a pretty good lark because I didn't have to get know any new neighbours.

However, it sounds like I'll be going back to kennels soon as she's got a few days away for work and it isn't worth getting someone in the house. (She doesn't like housework and it was a bit of an effort getting the place all cleaned up for the housesitters last time).

Anyway, just a brief note to let you know I'm still here. We had a lovely walk this morning - everything I like - plenty of sniffing, a chase of the ball and a dip in the creek - AND the sun was shining. Neat eh!


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