Zak's Adventures

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Losing a friend

OK, so the black cat wasn't really my friend; we tolerated each other, but I can see that HF is a bit upset today because he has died.

I'll admit he was a character - even if he did compete for attention. He barked more than me too - apparently it was more of a yowl, something to do with what we think was his Burmese heritage, but gosh, it was loud at times. And he'd get in the way when it was food time, trying to climb up the kitchen cupboard and using the teatowel for leverage.

I guess this means the end of some of the leftovers too, because the black cat was getting to the stage where he couldn't eat much and would leave a mess to be cleaned up - which I was happy to do. I cleaned up some of his vomit too. I do have my good points :-)

My HF knows that it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all - and I know she loves me - but I guess I can understand that she might be hurting from the loss of the cat. He was here before I came, even though I'm a little older.

She was telling me tonight in the park about the other little cat called Batman she acquired at the same time as Harry. I didn't know him. Apparently when she had taken Harry to the vet, she had commented to someone else in the waiting room that she had originally intended to get 2 cats, but the other one turned out to be unwell. The vet nurse's ears pricked up (I understand what that means) and apparently said she had a little kitten there which was looking for a home. However, in the end, he only stayed a few weeks, because it turned out he had a really rare condition called fragile skin syndrome which mean that his skin kept breaking open - especially when the two kittens as they were then, would play/fight. He ended up staying at the vets from where he had come and then moving with one of the vet nurses.

But the girl cat is still here. She's the one who fascinates me - I can't work her out; she sounds like a sheep when she meows and honestly, she is so furry she could be a woolly sheep.

I'd better go and give HF a lick to tell her I know she is feeling sad and I can help make it better.


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